Is there a way I can save more money than just the 24-40% discount and earn free products too?
I’m so glad you asked! YES! There is a way! This is completely optional but everyone (as in 100% of the people that sign-up on my team) that chooses this option is happy that they did! Matter of fact, most that don’t choose this option at sign-up realize how they missed out on so much savings that they enroll for this free perk by their second month. With the Essential Rewards Program you don’t have to pay anything extra, you simply sign-up for a monthly order date. By doing so, it saves Young Living time and money because they know when to anticipate your order each month and can expedite it for you. They pass this savings on to you. With “ER” you get a point back for every dollar you spend on YL products. You can redeem these points for free products (anything you want) at any time. You also get flat-rate shipping of $6.98 on everything you order in your ER order – every month. You get special offers for discounted products. I explain this option in the instructional video about The Best Way to Order Young Living Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils under our Media tab at the top of the page.

The only requirement is that you must spend at least $50 a month to qualify. That is easy to do when you simply replace the current products you buy and use now with the healthier options from Young Living. Besides that, you will want to spend much more to build your tool kit of therapeutic oils to be prepared for every health and wellness need you may encounter. Young Living not only has essential oils but also every type of natural medicine and supplement you need on a daily basis but as an added bonus they are formulated with the therapeutic-grade oils included to help you achieve your health goals.
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