Can I work with the Abundant-Wellness team to earn a living doing what I Iove (from home!) and become healthy, happy and abundantly well-thy at the same time!?
This question may not even be on your radar yet, depending on your level of health and wellness at the present time! But, like I explained in the last question, the more you use these powerfully effective oils the more your outlook changes for the better. Remember that they help you on ALL levels of your health – spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically!

When you enroll in the Essential Reward Program described briefly above, you are then eligible to earn commissions whenever someone who hears about Young Living products from you signs-up or orders. This costs you nothing except that to qualify you must spend a minimum of $100 a month in your ER order. That may sound like a lot for some budgets but the way I initially did this was to simply replace everything I was already purchasing with the healthier, better products from Young Living. I added nothing to my existing budget, I simply replaced what I already purchased on a monthly basis from health food stores, box stores or on-line with Young Living’s better quality products and supplements. The cool part is that every time someone starts getting Young Living because they heard about them from you – you get $50 back. If you simply shared the help you are getting with 1 person in a whole month you would get that $100 order for only $50 once your commission check came! If you shared your health secrets with 2 people – your order is now free!
I don’t “sell” anything and I don’t suggest anyone on my team do so either. I don’t want strangers knocking on my door! But I do want people to let me know when they’ve found something that works for them. We do it every day for insignificant things like books we’ve read, movies we’ve watched or restaurants we liked – why not share how our health has improved and actually help others move to a positive change in the process?
By the third month of ordering my family’s oils and supplements from Young Living I was already getting my orders for free AND earning money back and free products on top of it! And I never sold a thing to anyone!
I would love to see you get healthy and happy and become abundantly prosperous at the same time!
I can help you get there!
Join the Abundant-Wellness team today and
begin your journey to wellness, purpose and abundance and
be Healed. find Joy. share Love.