About Angelia Anderson, CNHP
Angelia Anderson, CNHP

I jokingly call this the “it’s all about me” page, but it’s really all about you (or at least all for you)! I appreciate that you are here right now. Knowing the source of the information you read is savvy-smart! Let’s chat and see how I can help you get to that happy and healthy place of abundant wellness that you’re ready for.  I like you already!

Big picture:
You can find that on the About The Anderson Family page. That’s about our family and what I do beyond the scope of natural health. That’s not completely true, natural health is a part of everything I do including family, farm, friends and fun!

I am a Certified Natural Health Professional, owner of Abundant Wellness and www.Abundant-Wellness.net and a distributor and consultant of Young Living pure therapeutic-grade essential oils.  I have trained and been certified in the areas of:

  • Health Assessment
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Biological Ionization
  • Hormonal Balancing
  • Emotional Health
  • Iridology
  • Kinisiology
  • Vita Flex & Body Work Techniques
  • Therapeutic Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Natural Medicine & Emergency Preparedness
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • Natural Home & Homestead Keeping
  • Pet and Farm Animal Nutrition & Healthcare
“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and
not for trouble, to give you a future and a hopeJeremiah 29:11 NLV

Back story, been-there-done-that:
I am here to help you get to that place of well-being you were designed for; to help you find that hope for your future! I have that hope now but I also know what it is like to live in the fear and depression of sickness and hopelessness. For a big part of my life I suffered with over 35 different chronic and acute health challenges from childhood to adulthood and even in high-risk pregnancies.

Every part of my health has suffered in some way at different times: auto-immunity, joints (arthritis, bursitis), digestion (Chrohn’s, IBS), cardiovascular, neurological, blood pressure (very high), insulin (very low), mental, reproductive (too many to list!), emotional (depression, anxiety, fear), liver, bones, respiratory, gallbladder (still have it!), muscular, adrenal (cortisol too high and too low), vision, skin (acne, rosacea, many forms of dermatitis), hormonal (do you have an hour?), allergies (seasonal and food), and the list goes on – including skin cancer, uterine tumors and cervical cancer.

I went to countless doctors over the years and underwent painful tests, procedures, even surgeries and received only vague diagnoses (i.e. appropriating Latin names for the symptoms) but I never got any definitive causes for the problems.  The conventional medical solution was always the same, either remove it and deal with the consequences of missing whole organs and body parts or take prescription drugs for the rest of my life which would lead to side effects that would lead to more prescriptions that would lead to more side effects…. Enough! I wanted off that not-so-merry-go-round!

I finally got off that ride.  I wanted to know the ROOT CAUSES of WHY I suffered with each malady and I wanted to be healed of them – not just cover up the symptoms. Gradually over the past 25 years I studied and researched to find those roots AND the natural alternatives to correct them. I had been learning for many years but my own health wasn’t enough of a catalyst to push me into natural medicine as a career. It was when my family became sick that I finally said, “Enough!”

At one point three of the five in our family were on prescription allergy medications. After our youngest son was weaned from a year of nursing he started getting chronic ear infections. After countless rounds of antibiotics then ear tube surgery he was still sick. I finally said “Enough!” of the routine and researched it myself. I traced it to the root cause – lactose intolerance of the pasteurized milk he was drinking. Once I removed pasteurized dairy his infections stopped. When we added raw local honey to our diet all of our allergies ended.

My husband spent a year going to the doctor to find the cause of painful and debilitating health issues and they could not figure out the problem. He took more prescriptions after each medical visit but continued to suffer. Finally I said, “Enough!” and researched it myself. I determined that the symptoms were caused by a particular dermatological manifestation and that the root of it was Celiac disease. I asked him to go back to the doctor one more time to have a biopsy done; he did and it was confirmed. We removed gluten from our lives and he returned to normal health, without steroids and other drugs.

The Anderson Family

Our family’s health was the reason I made natural medicine more than just a passion but also a career. We are a healthy family now! We aren’t dependent on prescription drugs and we aren’t in bondage to chronic sickness and disease.

Let me be clear – I am not the healer – Christ Jesus is. I’m just a helper! Matter of fact, several of the things we have each been healed of have come about miraculously by prayer and faith. Others have been healings that were gradual through the use of natural medicines and yet others have come about through the obedience of giving our bodies what they were created to have and eliminating things they weren’t meant to have!

The good news for you? I didn’t give up. I didn’t give in. That same tenacity to get to the “root causes” drives me to help others just like you to find the “future and hope” that God created you for!

I’ve enjoyed a lot of different careers over the years, even the years while being a stay at home mom. Some people would call this my “Jack Jill-of-all-trades, master-of-none” quality but one inspiring entrepreneur calls it being “multi-passionate”! Of course, not all of these career moves were passions – some were just paychecks. Although they aren’t all directly related to the natural health field I have learned some things through the years and experiences that I bring forward from those fields to this business:

  • Journalist and Author - news, magazine & e-books. I’m a bit wordy but I do try to use colorful words and lots of pix.
  • Professional Photographer & Videographer – “lots of pix”, mentioned above. Portraits, weddings, etc.
  • Caterer – I seriously enjoy food (I was “foodie” when “foodie” wasn’t cool or had TV channels all about it). Started cooking at age 3. Food intolerances and diet restrictions have now forced me to get creative with my recipes… but did I mention I like food? Not giving up the yum!
  • Meter Reader – 103F. No water. 20 mile walks. Another fence? Pit bulls & Emus. Perseverance. Determination. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
  • Statistical Analysis – the corporate years. I like charts and graphs. A lot. 2nd home is at the PubMed site.
  • Hospital ER Supervisor – Many graphic (and funny) stories from those years but I learned practical medical skills that I use today. Probably when I started geeking out at PubMed.
  • Deputy Clerk of Court - Justice & Injustice.
  • Teacher – I was an early ed. major in college and have home-educated our children. I like apples.

 On a more personal note (for girls who always want more details):

  • Yes, I use exclamation points in real conversation as much as I do in writing. In my own defense, I have to –  you can’t see my hands moving in text.
  • I take your health and happiness very seriously but I am not so serious. I like to make bad puns and lame jokes and (even if no one else ever laughs) I crack myself up! And ya know what? I’m healthier for it.
  • I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not; I’m okay being me. I don’t do brain surgery or wear white lab coats; I do dress comfortably, regardless of current styles (big advocate of flats) and I am enamored with colors, all of them. Bling is my thing; it makes me happy.
  • I’m relaxed and I hope that helps you to be. We can have fun on this journey! I often choose unconventional DIY routes to get to a healthy destination but the (really) bottom line is that we get there and you are better for it in the process!

Business purpose:
Why would I, as a natural health professional, be a good fit for you? Mostly because I love you. God tells us to “love your neighbor as yourself”. That’s a tall order. Most people don’t even like themselves much less love themselves enough to love someone else. For a long time I didn’t either. But again, I finally said, “Enough!” One day I decided to believe every word of the Word and ALL that God says about me. And I know that all of it is true about you too. I can see it in you now, all waiting to be explored and accepted: health, happiness, abundant well-th and prosperity in every part of life!

Angelia Anderson, CNHP

Natural health and holistic healing are a calling for me. “Natural health” describes the way to live in abundant wellness by choice. It is how we maintain good health and also how we correct health imbalances by utilizing a holistic approach to life. “Holistic” isn’t another level of woo-woo, it simply means we consider the whole person and their condition of well-ness or dis-ease. I want you to live the whole amazing life you were created for – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and relationally!

Business details:
To learn more about what the Abundant-Wellness site has to offer see our Home page and also the About Abundant-Wellness page. You can also learn about what all I offer for natural health consultations and some nitty-gritty A’s to your Q’s on the Questions and Answers page under the Consultations tab.

If you would like a personal one-on-one appointment for a convenient consultation, please contact me (we can meet in person locally or long distance by phone or e-mail).

I use many different healing modalities as a CNHP like herbs and natural remedies but one of my absolute favs is therapeutic-grade essential oils. If you are new to medicinal quality oils and what they do, please visit my Essential Oils tab to learn how they can help you and your family in every part of your health. If you are ready to start using them, I offer targeted and customized Young Living recommendations for first time orders free of charge! If you’ve already been blessed to try Young Living’s oils and supplements but just aren’t sure which choices are the right match for you or your current issues, please contact me for a consultation! I can target the appointment specifically for your needs and point you in the right directions. I would love to meet you and join you on your path to Abundant-Wellness!

I pray that you benefit in every way from the articles, videos and trainings (in video and e-book formats) we have for your education!

You have a beautiful future and hope awaiting you! I look forward to starting the journey with you!

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