Focus on Food

Angelia Anderson, CNHPNutrition2 Comments

WAPF Conference 2014

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Focus on Food

Ready to focus on (real) food? This is a dream come true for me! Wednesday morning (November 5, 2014) I’ll be flying up to Indianapolis, Indiana for the annual Weston A. Price Foundation national conference. This year’s theme that the conference is centered around is “Focus on Food”. Natural health AND real food ALL in one place!!!

Do you know who Dr. Weston A. Price was? Here’s a bio about him. He practiced in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1930’s then travelled the world studying “primitive” people groups from all over the world. Dr. Price has been called the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition” and authored the classic volume Nutrition and Physical Degeneration based on his studies. (Available from one of my affiliates Radiant Life.) If you don’t have this book order it! Seriously, click over there and order it right now. Then once you get it, tear yourself away from it 1 minute and come back here and thank me ;  )

The Weston A. Price Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants.

The Foundation seeks to establish a laboratory to test nutrient content of foods, particularly butter produced under various conditions; to conduct research into the “X Factor,” discovered by Dr. Price; and to determine the effects of traditional preparation methods on nutrient content and availability in whole foods.

WAPF stands united in the belief that modern technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a force destructive to the environment and human health; and that science and knowledge can validate those traditions. The Foundation is dedicated to exploring the scientific validation of dietary, agricultural and medical traditions throughout the world.

I’ll be attending the WAPF Chapter Leader meeting all day on Thursday and then the main conference is from Friday (10/7) through Monday (10/10).  There will be almost 40 speakers; doctors, specialists, professionals and experts from all over the world. I am uber excited to see Sally Fallon Morell, MA author of my all-time favorite recipe/history/encyclopedia book Nourishing Traditions! (Also available through Radiant Life.)

There are so many I’m looking forward to hearing – like Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) which she developed based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) which has helped a multitude of people heal from both neurological as well as gastrointestinal problems. For that reason it is also sometimes called the “Gut and Physiology Syndrome” because the gut is known as the “2nd brain”. I could list dozens that are equally informative presentations. Choosing whom to see when is the tough part!

Of course the REAL reason I’m going is the FOOD; REAL FOOD!!! Grass-fed meats, organic veggies, fermented foods, pure butter and more and more and more! Oh my! I’m working up a hunger just thinking of it. I can actually get gluten-free options too! This is gonna be SO FUN! I don’t have to cook it either!

Wanna go with me? Register on-line and let me know you’re coming! If you can’t physically be there this time you can still go with me virtually! I won’t be able to post about it here on the website until I get back but I will be posting and sharing pictures on Facebook and Twitter the whole time! I’ll take pix of the food for ya, ok? Be sure to “Like” my Abundant-Wellness Facebook page and “Follow” me on Twitter. You can also “Follow” me on Instagram for some Insta-pix!

If you’re physically going to the conference please e-mail or message me and let me know! I would love to meet you!


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2 Comments on “Focus on Food”

  1. Mary

    Can’t wait for you to share all the great info you learn! Send us updates in the evening while you are digesting all the fabulous goodies!

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