Welcome to Abundant-Wellness.net!

Angelia Anderson, CNHPNatural HealthLeave a Comment

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Welcome to Abundant-Wellness.net!

I’m so glad you’re here! If you are new, I’m glad you came. If you’re a subscriber from our last site at Real Life Natural Health – it’s good to have you back!  Take a look around at our new website:

The Home page is a great place to start. If you want to know more about us go to the About tab and choose Abundant-Wellness, Angelia Anderson, CNHP, The Anderson Family, and The Anderson Homestead History.

Anderson Homestead swing

If you are interested in natural health and wellness appointments with me click on Consultations. While on that page, if you would like even more details about our different appointment types and fees you can request that information at no charge. For a “thank you” for your interest we’ll send you a complimentary copy of my e-booklet 7 Essential Supplements (for the Abundantly Healthy & Well-thy) and Why You Need Them.

You can also learn more about us at the Questions & Answers link under the Consultation tab.

To learn more about therapeutic-grade essential oils for medicinal use visit the Essential Oils tab. We also have videos on many different topics on our Media page.

Everyday Oils class

Our Abundant Wellness Shop is open 24/7! You can go there to purchase our training videos both as instant downloads and hard copy DVD’s. There will be an Abundant Wellness Amazon Store where we’ll have everything we mention or recommend in the blog articles easily located for your convenience. We also have several affiliates lined up to share with you!

Last, but not least, is our Contact page where you can reach me via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Google+. On that note – be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+!

While you’re looking around, be sure to subscribe to get our e-mails, so you don’t miss a post. With your subscription you’ll receive a complimentary copy of my e-book The Keys to Holistic Healing and Abundant Wellness!

Extra lastly, leave a comment below and say, “Hi!” and we’d love to know what you think of the new site!

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This post was shared on The Homestead Barn Hop, The Clever Chicks Blog HopThank Goodness It’s Monday, Mostly Homemade MondaysThe Art of Homemaking MondaysModest Monday, Monday’s Musings, Natural Living Monday, Making Your Home Sing Mondays, Fat Tuesday, Titus 2sday, Titus 2 Tuesday, Homemaking Link-Up, Real Food Wednesday, Allergy-Free Wednesday, Wildcrafting Wednesday, The Homeacre Hop, Think Tank Thursday, Old-Fashioned Friday, From the Farm, Real Food Fridays & Simple Saturdays !

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