Meat Tendergrass Farms!

Angelia Anderson, CNHPNutritionLeave a Comment

tendergrass farms

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Meat Tendergrass Farms!

I introduced myself and he replied, “Nice to meat you!” How did I know he spelled it that way as he was talking? It was on his shirt! This past weekend at the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Annual International Conference held in Indianapolis, Indiana, I had the pleasure of meeting the owners of Tendergrass Farms, Mr. and Mrs. David Maren. Here they are pictured at their vendor booth! Did I mention that they gave me one of those t-shirts? The sayings on the back are hilarious!

They are purveyors of real grass fed beef – from real family farms. Tendergrass Farms exists for the purpose of creating a convenient way for you to support grass fed beef farmers who wouldn’t otherwise have the market they need to survive. They offer a variety of grass fed beef, organic pork, and organic chicken, – all shipped to your doorstep on dry ice! Frozen meat is heavy but the shipping costs are flat rate or completely free over a certain expenditure!

I am privileged to have Tendergrass Farms as one of my website affiliates. I have an ad for them on the left-hand side of all the blog pages on this site. When you click on their ad you are taken to their website (nice site – and a convenient move for you!). If you purchase anything from them while on that virtual visit I will eventually receive a small commission for it. As the purchaser, you pay no extra for this; the company considers that commission paid to me to be like an advertising fee. (The affiliate commissions help me to pay for the costs of having, running and maintaining this website as a service to you). But the important thing for you to know is that I ONLY partner with affiliates that I trust and use for our family and my clients and Tendergrass Farms is one of them.

Since my intention was to introduce you to the Maren’s and their grass-roots family business, allow me to tell you a little about them. As a small company with a deep commitment to excellent service, they offer “naturally raised meats of distinction that are truly unparalleled in terms of animal husbandry and welfare, culinary refinement and flavor, as well as purity and wholesomeness.”

Tendergrass Farms

At the core of the Tendergrass Farms identity is their vision of sustaining family farms by serving as a channel for their “superior quality grass fed beef, organic pork, and organic chicken to find its way to committed grass fed meat and organic meat fans all around the USA.” Their online marketplace serves as a way for customers to support family farms that might not otherwise be able to find the customers they need to survive.

As Christians, they work for the glory of God and strive to serve their customers with consistency and integrity that can be counted on.

So that’s the people but where’s the beef? Here’s the details –

Tendergrass Grass Fed Beef:

  • Only fed 100% forage (grasses, clovers, other green leafy stuff), grass finished.
  • Never fed grains or other non-forage feed of any kind.
  • Never given hormones or subtherapeutic antibiotics.

Tendergrass Pastured Chicken, Pork, and Organic Turkey:

  • Never given antibiotics or artificial growth promotants.
  • Always fed pure corn and whole roasted soybeans based feed, 100% Non-GMO.

Tendergrass Non-Hydrogenated Organic Lard:

  • Kettle-rendered, Ready to Use.
  • Unrefined, Non-Hydrogenated.
  • Certified Organic.

All of their products are born, raised and harvested in the USA! <Soap box warning!> Please remember that we may cast ballots in elections but we truly vote with our dollars. Every purchase we make tells what we want more of. Conventional meats are raised cheaply (don’t even get me started on what those animals actually eat, what horrible conditions they “live” in and what nasty drugs they must be given to keep them from spreading disease in those conditions!) PLUS our government subsidizes them and the genetically modified, Round-Up sprayed crops that they eat! Don’t eat that stuff! Does it cost more for these clean quality meats? Of course, it must. But you won’t be paying the doctors later because of health issues from eating it!

As Americans (at least the majority of us that are meat eaters), on average, we consume far too much meat per serving. For most of us having the healthy fats from these meats and a moderate amount of meat for protein is adequate along with generous amounts of fresh and cooked produce and small amounts of carbohydrates. The lesson here is to spend a little more by purchasing properly raised clean meats but eat a little less of it per serving. Buying quality meats and preparing them for home-cooked meals is still far less expensive than eating poor quality meats out at restaurants!

Enjoy this video from Tendergrass Farms! Then click the ad on the left and start shopping! You still have time to purchase a turkey for Thanksgiving! We’ve ordered ours!

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